Comics by Scott McCloud
In this comic, the author mainly talked about what comic is and how to make comics in a comic way. The main character is the author himself. He broke the forth wall and directly talked to the audience. He combined the comic knowledge and comic techniques together. It is very interesting when he used himself in the comic to explain how the comic panels work. He said comic is a vessel. Inside the vessel there are the genres, the creator's styles and the themes. I strongly agree with him. The format and technique of comics will hardly change, the thing really matters is the creator's idea. Different creator will mix the "juice" in the vessel in a different way. I also agree with what he said about the animated films. He said the animated films can be considered as a very slow comic. I found the animated films share some similarities with the comics. They both require the knowledge about composition. Even if the comics do not move, you still need to know what it is the right timing of the panels. He also talked about how the audience’s imaginations help them understand the comic. Some comic panels will skip something in-between. But the audience’s imagination will help them to imagine what happened between those panels. After reading this comic, I think I can understand comics better. It helps me to understand why the comic artist made some decisions.
In this comic, the author mainly talked about what comic is and how to make comics in a comic way. The main character is the author himself. He broke the forth wall and directly talked to the audience. He combined the comic knowledge and comic techniques together. It is very interesting when he used himself in the comic to explain how the comic panels work. He said comic is a vessel. Inside the vessel there are the genres, the creator's styles and the themes. I strongly agree with him. The format and technique of comics will hardly change, the thing really matters is the creator's idea. Different creator will mix the "juice" in the vessel in a different way. I also agree with what he said about the animated films. He said the animated films can be considered as a very slow comic. I found the animated films share some similarities with the comics. They both require the knowledge about composition. Even if the comics do not move, you still need to know what it is the right timing of the panels. He also talked about how the audience’s imaginations help them understand the comic. Some comic panels will skip something in-between. But the audience’s imagination will help them to imagine what happened between those panels. After reading this comic, I think I can understand comics better. It helps me to understand why the comic artist made some decisions.