This week I read Arsene Schrauwen. This comic is a super strange one. The whole book is about the author's grandfather's adventure. He visited his cousin and fell in love with a lady. The story is kind of hard to understand because the author will use very abstract illustrations to describe what happened. Sometimes the character is sitting on the chair, suddenly he becomes animals and dancing with the lady he loves. It is very interesting and strange.
The author describes his grandfather as a mid-aged man who has many bad hobbies. When he fell in love with the lady he met, the author didn't make this relationship romantic. He chooses to make his grandfather become a donkey. The author never hesitates to depict the character's desire. He always changes the characters into animals when they have sex. It is also interesting that when characters become lusty, the author will draw in orange. I think that is a good way to tell the audience how intense and exciting the story becomes.