This week I read Fun Home. This is a very sad story about father and daughter. The author talked about the two different life choices her father and her made. Her father and she are both homosexual people who tried to have a normal life. She talked about how her father tried to be a normal father, she also talked about the little details she found about his secrets.
The story starts with house building. The author talked about how talented her father is. He changed the old house into a fancy new one. But he was also a very strict father. The author didn't give the characters any expressions. Characters always have a sad face through the whole book, I never saw them smiling. So even though I saw her father was building the house with her or trying to do something with her, I didn't feel any happiness. The author also uses blue as the only color in the comic, it makes the story feel very sad.
The interaction between father and daughter is very touchable. Father always tries to teach his daughter to read. They love the same kind of books. When the author took her father's class, he said she was the only student that worth teaching. She said his class is the only class worth taking. I think this part shows how much love they have for each other.